
M3 Sonar manuals

Documents are available in multiple formats. Additional documents are available in the dropdown menu on the top-right.

File formats

One or more of the following file formats are provided:

  • PDF

    This is a de facto world standard for electronic documents. The PDF documents we provide are also interactive. To read this format, you will need Adobe Acrobat on your computer. To download this program, go to Adobe. The low-resolution version of a document increases download speed. (A4) and (US Letter) reflect the physical page size of the document, A4 or US Letter.

  • CHM

    This is Microsoft’s proprietary format for on-line help. To read this format, copy the file(s) to your harddisk, then double-click on the file name. By default, the CHM format will only open on Windows computers. However, apps are available that allows you to read the CHM format on IOS and Android “smartphones” and reading tablets. The CHM format must be downloaded to a local hard drive before you can open it.

    To learn more about this format, see Wikipedia.

  • Online website version

    This is the user manual formatted as a website (html files) available for online viewing.

  • Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (ZIP file)

    This is the complete "interactive electronic technical manual" (IETM) version of the manual. You can download the ZIP file to your own computer or network, and unpack it. To open the book, open the relevant folder, and double-click on the index.htm or default.htm file.

  • EPUB

    This e-book format for electronic publications is provided for smartphones, tablets, and e-book readers. Several reader applications are provided for the iOS and Android operating systems. The EPUB format is provided for portable devices, and will require a dedicated add-on in your browser. The EPUB format must be downloaded to a local hard drive before you can open it.

    To learn more about this format, see Wikipedia.